import 'package:data_table_2/data_table_2.dart'; import 'package:sk_base_mobile/app_theme.dart'; import 'package:sk_base_mobile/widgets/core/sk_text_input.dart'; import './helper.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:intl/intl.dart'; import './data_sources.dart'; import './nav_helper.dart'; // Copyright 2019 The Flutter team. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // The file was extracted from GitHub: // Changes and modifications by Maxim Saplin, 2021 class DataTable2FixedNMDemo extends StatefulWidget { const DataTable2FixedNMDemo({super.key}); @override DataTable2FixedNMDemoState createState() => DataTable2FixedNMDemoState(); } class DataTable2FixedNMDemoState extends State { bool _sortAscending = true; int? _sortColumnIndex; late DessertDataSource _dessertsDataSource; late DessertDataSourceAsync _asyncDessertsDataSource; bool _initialized = false; final ScrollController _controller = ScrollController(); String selectedTableType = dflt; int _fixedRows = 1; int _fixedCols = 1; int _dataItems = 30; DataRow _getRow(int index, [Color? color]) { final format = NumberFormat.decimalPercentPattern( locale: 'zh', decimalDigits: 0, ); assert(index >= 0); if (index >= _desserts.length) throw 'index > _desserts.length'; final dessert = _desserts[index]; return DataRow2.byIndex( index: index, // selected: dessert.selected, color: color != null ? MaterialStateProperty.all(color) : null, // onSelectChanged: (value) { // if (dessert.selected != value) { // dessert.selected = value!; // setState(() {}); // } // }, cells: [ DataCell(SkTextInput(textController: TextEditingController())), DataCell(Text('${dessert.calories}')), DataCell(Text(dessert.fat.toStringAsFixed(1))), DataCell(Text('${dessert.carbs}')), DataCell(Text(dessert.protein.toStringAsFixed(1))), DataCell(Text('${dessert.sodium}')), DataCell(Text(format.format(dessert.calcium / 100))), DataCell(Text(format.format(dessert.iron / 100))), ], ); } void selectAll(bool? checked) { for (final dessert in _desserts) { dessert.selected = checked ?? false; } } @override void didChangeDependencies() { super.didChangeDependencies(); if (!_initialized) { _dessertsDataSource = DessertDataSource(context); _asyncDessertsDataSource = DessertDataSourceAsync(); _initialized = true; _dessertsDataSource.addListener(() { setState(() {}); }); } } void _sort( Comparable Function(Dessert d) getField, int columnIndex, bool ascending, ) { _dessertsDataSource.sort(getField, ascending); setState(() { _sortColumnIndex = columnIndex; _sortAscending = ascending; }); } Widget getTableFromSelectedType() { switch (getCurrentRouteOption(context)) { case paginatedFixedRowsCols: { return getPaginatedDataTable(); } case asyncPaginatedFixedRowsCols: { return getAsyncPaginatedDataTable(); } default: { return getDataTable(); } } } @override void dispose() { _dessertsDataSource.dispose(); _controller.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16), child: Column(children: [ // _getParamsWidget(context), Flexible( fit: FlexFit.tight, child: Theme( data: ThemeData(dividerColor: Colors.grey[400]), child: getTableFromSelectedType())) ])); } DataTable2 getDataTable() { return DataTable2( scrollController: _controller, columnSpacing: 0, bottomMargin: 20, border: TableBorder.all(width: 1.0, color: AppTheme.dividerColor), // headingRowColor: MaterialStateProperty.resolveWith( // (states) => _fixedRows > 0 ? Colors.grey[200] : Colors.transparent), // headingRowDecoration: BoxDecoration( // gradient: LinearGradient( // colors: [ // Colors.grey[400]!, // Colors.grey[200]!, // ], // begin: Alignment.topCenter, // end: Alignment.bottomCenter, // ), // ), fixedColumnsColor: Colors.grey[100], // fixedCornerColor: Colors.grey[400], minWidth: 1000, fixedTopRows: _fixedRows, fixedLeftColumns: _fixedCols, // sortColumnIndex: _sortColumnIndex, // sortAscending: _sortAscending, // onSelectAll: (val) => setState(() => selectAll(val)), columns: [ DataColumn2( label: const Text('过渡'), onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) =>, columnIndex, ascending), ), DataColumn2( label: const Text('名称'), size: ColumnSize.S, numeric: true, onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) => d.calories, columnIndex, ascending), ), DataColumn2( label: const Text('规格、型号及说明'), size: ColumnSize.S, numeric: true, onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) => d.fat, columnIndex, ascending), ), DataColumn2( label: const Text('单位'), size: ColumnSize.S, numeric: true, onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) => d.carbs, columnIndex, ascending), ), DataColumn2( label: const Text('数量'), size: ColumnSize.S, numeric: true, onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) => d.protein, columnIndex, ascending), ), DataColumn2( label: const Text('备注'), size: ColumnSize.S, numeric: true, onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) => d.sodium, columnIndex, ascending), ), DataColumn2( label: const Text('单价'), size: ColumnSize.S, numeric: true, onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) => d.calcium, columnIndex, ascending), ), DataColumn2( label: const Text('总价'), size: ColumnSize.S, numeric: true, onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) => d.iron, columnIndex, ascending), ), ], rows: List.generate( _dataItems, (index) => _getRow(index, Colors.transparent))); } Widget getPaginatedDataTable() { return PaginatedDataTable2( scrollController: _controller, columnSpacing: 0, horizontalMargin: 12, border: TableBorder.all(width: 1.0, color: Colors.grey), headingRowColor: MaterialStateProperty.resolveWith( (states) => _fixedRows > 0 ? Colors.grey[200] : Colors.transparent), fixedColumnsColor: Colors.grey[300], fixedCornerColor: Colors.grey[400], minWidth: 1000, fixedTopRows: _fixedRows, fixedLeftColumns: _fixedCols, sortColumnIndex: _sortColumnIndex, sortAscending: _sortAscending, onSelectAll: (val) => setState(() => selectAll(val)), columns: [ DataColumn2( label: const Text('Desert'), size: ColumnSize.S, onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) =>, columnIndex, ascending), ), DataColumn2( label: const Text('Calories'), size: ColumnSize.S, numeric: true, onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) => d.calories, columnIndex, ascending), ), DataColumn2( label: const Text('Fat (gm)'), size: ColumnSize.S, numeric: true, onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) => d.fat, columnIndex, ascending), ), DataColumn2( label: const Text('Carbs (gm)'), size: ColumnSize.S, numeric: true, onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) => d.carbs, columnIndex, ascending), ), DataColumn2( label: const Text('Protein (gm)'), size: ColumnSize.S, numeric: true, onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) => d.protein, columnIndex, ascending), ), DataColumn2( label: const Text('Sodium (mg)'), size: ColumnSize.S, numeric: true, onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) => d.sodium, columnIndex, ascending), ), DataColumn2( label: const Text('Calcium (%)'), size: ColumnSize.S, numeric: true, onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) => d.calcium, columnIndex, ascending), ), DataColumn2( label: const Text('Iron (%)'), size: ColumnSize.S, numeric: true, onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) => d.iron, columnIndex, ascending), ), ], source: _dessertsDataSource); } Widget getAsyncPaginatedDataTable() { return AsyncPaginatedDataTable2( scrollController: _controller, columnSpacing: 0, horizontalMargin: 12, border: TableBorder.all(width: 1.0, color: Colors.grey), headingRowColor: MaterialStateProperty.resolveWith( (states) => _fixedRows > 0 ? Colors.grey[200] : Colors.transparent), fixedColumnsColor: Colors.grey[300], fixedCornerColor: Colors.grey[400], minWidth: 1000, fixedTopRows: _fixedRows, fixedLeftColumns: _fixedCols, sortColumnIndex: _sortColumnIndex, sortAscending: _sortAscending, onSelectAll: (val) => setState(() => selectAll(val)), columns: [ DataColumn2( label: const Text('Desert'), size: ColumnSize.S, onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) =>, columnIndex, ascending), ), DataColumn2( label: const Text('Calories'), size: ColumnSize.S, numeric: true, onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) => d.calories, columnIndex, ascending), ), DataColumn2( label: const Text('Fat (gm)'), size: ColumnSize.S, numeric: true, onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) => d.fat, columnIndex, ascending), ), DataColumn2( label: const Text('Carbs (gm)'), size: ColumnSize.S, numeric: true, onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) => d.carbs, columnIndex, ascending), ), DataColumn2( label: const Text('Protein (gm)'), size: ColumnSize.S, numeric: true, onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) => d.protein, columnIndex, ascending), ), DataColumn2( label: const Text('Sodium (mg)'), size: ColumnSize.S, numeric: true, onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) => d.sodium, columnIndex, ascending), ), DataColumn2( label: const Text('Calcium (%)'), size: ColumnSize.S, numeric: true, onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) => d.calcium, columnIndex, ascending), ), DataColumn2( label: const Text('Iron (%)'), size: ColumnSize.S, numeric: true, onSort: (columnIndex, ascending) => _sort((d) => d.iron, columnIndex, ascending), ), ], source: _asyncDessertsDataSource); } Theme _getParamsWidget(BuildContext context) { const double col1 = 130; const double col2 = 210; return Theme( data: blackSlider(context), child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ SizedBox( height: 36, child: Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max, children: [ SizedBox( width: col1, child: Text('Fixed rows ($_fixedRows)')), SizedBox( width: col2, child: Slider( value: _fixedRows.toDouble(), min: 0, max: 10, divisions: 10, onChanged: (val) { setState(() { _fixedRows = val.toInt(); }); })) ], )), SizedBox( height: 36, child: Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max, children: [ SizedBox( width: col1, child: Text('Fixed columns ($_fixedCols)')), SizedBox( width: col2, child: Slider( value: _fixedCols.toDouble(), min: 0, max: 10, divisions: 10, onChanged: (val) { setState(() { _fixedCols = val.toInt(); }); })) ], )), SizedBox( height: 36, child: Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max, children: [ SizedBox( width: col1, child: Text('Data items ($_dataItems)')), SizedBox( width: col2, child: Slider( value: _dataItems.toDouble(), min: 0, max: 30, divisions: 10, onChanged: (val) { setState(() { _dataItems = val.toInt(); }); })) ], )) ], )); } } List _desserts = [ Dessert( 'Frozen Yogurt', 159, 6.0, 24, 4.0, 87, 14, 1, ), Dessert( 'Ice Cream Sandwich', 237, 9.0, 37, 4.3, 129, 8, 1, ), Dessert( 'Eclair', 262, 16.0, 24, 6.0, 337, 6, 7, ), Dessert( 'Cupcake', 305, 3.7, 67, 4.3, 413, 3, 8, ), Dessert( 'Gingerbread', 356, 16.0, 49, 3.9, 327, 7, 16, ), Dessert( 'Jelly Bean', 375, 0.0, 94, 0.0, 50, 0, 0, ), Dessert( 'Lollipop', 392, 0.2, 98, 0.0, 38, 0, 2, ), Dessert( 'Honeycomb', 408, 3.2, 87, 6.5, 562, 0, 45, ), Dessert( 'Donut', 452, 25.0, 51, 4.9, 326, 2, 22, ), Dessert( 'Apple Pie', 518, 26.0, 65, 7.0, 54, 12, 6, ), Dessert( 'Frozen Yougurt with sugar', 168, 6.0, 26, 4.0, 87, 14, 1, ), Dessert( 'Ice Cream Sandwich with sugar', 246, 9.0, 39, 4.3, 129, 8, 1, ), Dessert( 'Eclair with sugar', 271, 16.0, 26, 6.0, 337, 6, 7, ), Dessert( 'Cupcake with sugar', 314, 3.7, 69, 4.3, 413, 3, 8, ), Dessert( 'Gingerbread with sugar', 345, 16.0, 51, 3.9, 327, 7, 16, ), Dessert( 'Jelly Bean with sugar', 364, 0.0, 96, 0.0, 50, 0, 0, ), Dessert( 'Lollipop with sugar', 401, 0.2, 100, 0.0, 38, 0, 2, ), Dessert( 'Honeycomd with sugar', 417, 3.2, 89, 6.5, 562, 0, 45, ), Dessert( 'Donut with sugar', 461, 25.0, 53, 4.9, 326, 2, 22, ), Dessert( 'Apple pie with sugar', 527, 26.0, 67, 7.0, 54, 12, 6, ), Dessert( 'Forzen yougurt with honey', 223, 6.0, 36, 4.0, 87, 14, 1, ), Dessert( 'Ice Cream Sandwich with honey', 301, 9.0, 49, 4.3, 129, 8, 1, ), Dessert( 'Eclair with honey', 326, 16.0, 36, 6.0, 337, 6, 7, ), Dessert( 'Cupcake with honey', 369, 3.7, 79, 4.3, 413, 3, 8, ), Dessert( 'Gignerbread with hone', 420, 16.0, 61, 3.9, 327, 7, 16, ), Dessert( 'Jelly Bean with honey', 439, 0.0, 106, 0.0, 50, 0, 0, ), Dessert( 'Lollipop with honey', 456, 0.2, 110, 0.0, 38, 0, 2, ), Dessert( 'Honeycomd with honey', 472, 3.2, 99, 6.5, 562, 0, 45, ), Dessert( 'Donut with honey', 516, 25.0, 63, 4.9, 326, 2, 22, ), Dessert( 'Apple pie with honey', 582, 26.0, 77, 7.0, 54, 12, 6, ), ];